Have you ever dreaded mowing your lawn? Did you ever wonder if having a monkey mow your lawn would be a better idea? Wonder no longer. The wonderful online mower monkey can take care of all your virtual lawn needs. MM-based mowing is here. Select a link in the upper right corner of this page to learn more.

Download MM logo here and here.

The Road to Enlightenment

Littering a dark and dreary road lay the past relics of broken lawn mowers, sweat, tears and dandelions.

Today, we must remind one another there are mower monkeys. The virtaul lawn mowing revolution has been achieved thanks to the tireless efforts of one virtual monkey.

Here at MowerMokey.com you are invited to relax, meditate, enjoy a frozen banana and leave mowing to mower monkey. Begin to feel the power of the monkey. Test your online mower monkey skills. Become one with the monkey.

So What is This About?

There is a clear need for MM to be taken seriously. Mower Monkey.com aims to excite, inspire, and encourage all people to let the MMs do the mowing. Clicking on any link will take you to an exciting online mower monkey adventure. Yes, really.

MM s allows complete and total control over your virtual lawn. The only way this can be illustrated in a way that gets people excited is by allowing you to drive the MM which you can do on this site (see the links above). To date only true geeks have leveraged the power of the mower monkey to affect change on their virtual lawns.

The abilty to create wonderous virtual lawns is within your grasp. Until now, most examples of neat tricks and hacks have been demonstrated by geeks and gamers. Others have yet to make their mark.

This needs to change!


Participate in the mowing revolution. Mower monkey will change your life. No skills are necessary, the monkey does all the work. MM novices can use a push mower as a starting point. Please see the Mowers Resource Guide for our wide selection of basic and premium mowers at MM .

Learn more about our monkeys at monkeys . This may seem strange at first if you have never mowed this way before, but follow the listed links to learn more, and use laziness as a guide.

You may choose any monkey you wish from monkeys and any mower you wish from mowers to get the perfect lawn for you. Once you have completed your masterpiece with the monkey and mower under your control. Visit our store to buy some premium Mower Monkey logo products.


Why mow with a monkey? For recognition, inspiration, and a sense of laziness you've never experienced. This is sorely needed, even today. More and more people are taking the leap, but not enough have. One day this practice will be commonplace; that day is not today.


We would like to see as much MM as possible. Self mowing should be limited to the stupid only. Mower monkey is about functional, practical mowing and not the latest bleeding-heart animal rights views held by 2% of the mowing public. The only real requirement we have is that your MM mows.

Unfortunately, some of them refuse to mow on moral grounds.

We proclaim!

This is a learning exercise as well as a demonstration. You retain your dignity (with limited exceptions, see monkeys ), to see how much dignity you really have. MM owns and controls all monkeys on this site so that others may learn from our work.

Mowers graciously donated by Mower Monkey Mowers . Available soon: Mower Monkey, the book.